
Islamyat MCQs
Islam MCQs
Pophet Muhammad (pbuh) MCQs
Battles of Islam MCQs
Salaat MCQs
Zakat MCQs
Saum/fasting MCQs
Hajj MCQs
Prophets of Islam MCQs
Al-Qur’an MCQs
Ummul Momnieen MCQs
Companions of Prophet MCQs

Soum (Fasting)

v  Fast means to stop.
v  Fasting made obligatory in 2nd A.H.
v  Fasting is commanded in al-Bakarah.
v  Feed 60 people is the atonement for breaking the fast or sixty sontinuous fasts..
v  Bab-ul-Riayn is the door for fast observing people.
v  Tarrawih means to rest.
v  Battle of Badr was fought in very first of Ramzan on 17th.
v  Umar arranged the Namaz-e-Tarrawih.
v  Month of Ramzan is known as Sayeed us Shahoor.
v  Five days are forbidden for fasting throughout the year.
v  Wajib means ordained.
v  1st Ashra of Ramzan=Ashra-e-Rehmat.
v  2nd Ashra=Ashra-e-Maghfirat
     3rd Ashra=Ashra-e-Nijat.

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