Pak-Indo History

Pak-indo History

Q* In which year War of Independence was fought:

Ans. 1857.

Q* Where Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental school was established:

Ans. Aligarh.

Q* Who established Indian National Congress?

Ans. A.Hume. Q* When Congress was established?

Ans. 1885.

Q* When Sir Syed was born?

Ans. 1817.

Q* When Sir Syed died?

Ans. 1898.

Q* When was Bengal partitioned?

Ans. 1905.

Q* When the partition of Bengal was annulled?

Ans. 1911.

Q* When did Quaid-e-Azam join Muslim League?

Ans. 1913.

Q* When did the First World War started?

Ans. 1911.

Q* When did the First World War came to an end?

Ans. 1918.

Q* When did the Muslim League came into existence?

 Ans. 30 September 1906.

Q* Who was the first President of Muslim League?

Ans. Sir Agha Khan.

Q* When did Simla deputation call on Viceroy Lord Minto?

Ans. 1906.

Q* When Minto-Morley Reforms were enforced? Ans. 1909.

Q* When was Lucknow Pact agreed?

Ans. 1916.

Q* When Jallianwala Bagh incident occurred?

Ans. 13 April 1919.

Q* When did Khilafat Movement start?

Ans. 1918.

Q* Who was secretary of Khilafat deputation?

Ans. Hasan Muhammad Hayat.

Q* Who was the editor of “Comrade”?

Ans. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar.

Q* Who was the editor of “Hamdard”?

Ans. Muhammad Ali Jauhar.

Q* Who was the editor of “Al-Hilal”?

Ans. Maulana Azad.

Q* Name the newspaper of Maulana Zafar Ali Khan?

Ans. Zamindar.

 Q* When treaty of Severs was signed?

 Ans. 20 August 1920.

 Q* Who was Khalifa of Turkey?

 Ans. Sultan Abdul Majid.

Q* Non-cooperation Movement was started during the days of?

 Ans. Khilafat Movement.

Q* Who was Prime Minister of England during the period of Khilafat Movement?

Ans. Llyde George.

Q* Who issued Fatwa in favour of Khilafat Movement?

Ans. Maulana Azad and Maulana Abdul Bari.

 Q* Who announced the end of Khilafat Movement?

Ans. Gandhi.

Q* When Princess of Wales visited India? Ans. November 1921.

Q* When did Tragedy of Chora Churi happen?

Ans. 4 February 1922. Q* How many Policemen were burned to death in the Tragedy of Chora Churi?

Ans. 21.

Q* When did Montague visit India?

Ans. 10 November 1917.

Q* When did Montague-Chelmsford Reforms were introduced in India?

Ans. 1919.

Q* How many members were in the council of state in the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms?

Ans. 60.

Q* When Diarchy was introduced in Indian Act?

Ans. 1919.

Q* When Diarchy was introduced in the 8 provinces of India?

Ans. February 1921.

Q* When Diarchy was introduced in NWFP?

Ans. 1932.

Q* How long Diarchy remained in force in India?

Ans. 1921-1937.

Q* Rowlett Act was enforced on:

Ans. 18 March 1919.

Q* When was the formation of Simon Commission announced?

Ans. 8 November 1927.

Q* When Quaid-e-Azam said, “This is Parting of Ways”?

Ans. All Parties Conference in Calcutta.

Q* When Quaid-e-Azam presented his 14 points?

 Ans. On Muslim League Delhi session 1929.

Q* When did Allama Iqbal Delivered his famous Address in “Allahabad”?

Ans. 30 December 1930.

Q* When Labour Party came in power in England?

Ans. May 1929.

Q* When First Round Table Conference was called in London?

Ans. 12 November 1930.

Q* How many total delegates were in the First Round Table Conference?

Ans. 89.

Q* Who presided over the First Round Table Conference?

Ans. George 5th.

Q* When did Second Round Table Conference was called?

 Ans. 7 September 1931.

Q* When Third Round Table Conference started?

Ans. 17 November 1932.

Q* When Pona Pact was signed?

Ans. 25 September 1932.

Q* Who were the signatories of Pona Pact?

 Ans. Ambidkar and Gandhi.

Q* How many seats were in 1937 Elections of Provincial Assemblies?

Ans. 1535.

Q* What was the total number of representative?

Ans. 1771.

Q* How many seats were capture by Congress?

Ans. 706.

Q* How many seats were in Provinces for Muslims?

Ans. 491.

Q* How many seats were captured by Muslim League?

 Ans. 211.

Q* When congress ministries came to an end?

Ans. 14 November 1939.

Q* When day of deliverance was solemnized?

Ans. 22 December 1939.

Q* When Pakistan Resolution was passed?

Ans. 23 March 1940.

 Q* When Cripps Mission came into India?

Ans. 23 March 1942

Q* When Nadir Shah invaded on India?

 Ans. 1739.

Q* When the Battle of Plasy was fought?

Ans. 1758.

Q* Sultan Tepu was defeated by the British in the year:

Ans. 1799.

Q* “Hujjat-al-Baligha” was written by:

Ans. Shah Wali Ullah.

Q* Who started Faraizi Movement?

Ans. Haji Shariat Ullah.

Q* Who wrote Asrar-Sanadeed?

 Ans. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

Q* When Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was designated as a member of Imperial Council?

Ans. 1877.

Q* When Sir Syed was designated as member of Viceroy‟s Legislative Council?

 Ans. 1878.

 Q* Who wrote “Khutbat Ahmedia”?

Ans. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

Q* Who wrote “Taiban-ul-Qalam”?

Ans. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

Q* Who started “Tehzib-ul-Akhlaq”?

 Ans. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

Q* M.A.O College was established in the year:

Ans. 1875.

Q* When Mohammedan Educational Conference was formed?


Q* When British Indian Association was formed?

Ans. MQ*

Who formed Indian Patriotic Association?

 Ans. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1888.

 Q* Who was the founder of Mohammedan Defense Association?

 Ans. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

Q* Who was the founder of Indian National Congress?

Ans. Allen Octivian Hume.

Q* Who was the founder of Brahmoo Samaj?

Ans. Raja Ram Mohan Ray.

Q* Who was the founder of Parathna Samaj?

Ans. Dr. Atama Ray Pand Ring.

Q* Who was the founder of Deo-Samaj?

Ans. Sita Mand Agnihotri.

Q* Who was the founder of Ram Krishan Messia?

Ans. Ram Krishan Persat.

Q* Who was the founder of Arya Samaj?

 Ans. Dianand Sarswati.

Q* When Anjuman Himayat Islam was established?

Ans. 24 September 1884.

Q* Who were the founders of Anjuman Himayat Islam?

Ans. Khalifa Hamid-ud-Din, Dr. Din Muhammad Nazir, Munshi Chiragh Abdul Rahim.

Q* Who was the first President of Anjuman Himayat Islam?

 Ans. Khalifa Hamid-ud-Din.

Q* When Islamia College Railway Road was established?

Ans. 1907.

Q* When Islamia College for Girls Copper Road was established?

 Ans. 1939.

Q* When Hindi-Urdu Controversy started?

 Ans. 1867

Q* When Indian Council Act was enforced?

Ans. 1861 and 1892.

Q* When Bengal was partitioned?

Ans. 1905.

Q* Who was the head of Simla Deputation?

Ans. Sir Agha Khan.

Q* Majlis Khadam-e-Kaba was established in?

Ans. 1913.

Q* What was „Muslim Outlook‟?

 Ans. This was the name of a Journal that was started by Khilafat Deputation in London.

Q* When Treaty of Severs was signed?

Ans. 10 August 1920.

Q* Was Moplas against British?

Ans. Yes, they supported Khilafat Movement.

Q* Who was General Dyre?

Ans. General Dyre ordered to shoot in Jalianwala Bagh.

Q* Who founded Cow Protection Society?

Ans. Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak.

Q* Who wrote Bande Mathram?

Ans. Bamkin Chander Chiterji.

Q* Who founded Mahasabah?

 Ans. Madan Mohan Maluir.

Q* Who was the chief protagonist in Shudi?

Ans. Swami Sharad Nand.

Q* Who was Bankin Chaterji?

Ans. He was the writer of “Anand Nath” a novel.

Q* Who is writer of „Toward Pakistan‟?

 Ans. Waheed-uz-Zaman.

Q* Who is the writer of “Emergence of Pakistan”?

Ans. Chaudry Muhammad Ali.

Q* Who wrote the “Struggle for Pakistan”?

Ans. I.H.Qureshi

Q* Why Pirpur Report was prepared?

Ans. To investigate the tyrannies of Congress on Muslims.

Q* Why Shraf Report was prepared?

Ans. To investigate the cruelties on Congress in Bihar.

Q* Who wrote “India Wins Freedom”?

Ans. Abul Kalam Azad.

Q* When Muslims solemnized day of deliverance?

Ans. 22 December 1939.

Q* Who wrote “Verdict on India”?

Ans. B. Nicholson.

Q* Who published “Tehzib”?

Ans. Abdul Haleem Sharar.

Q* Who is the author of “Foundation of Pakistan”?

Ans. Sharif-ud-Din Pirzada.

Q* Who wrote “Evolution of Pakistan”?

Ans. Sharif-ud-Din Pirzada.

Q* Who were Khari brothers?

Ans. They were Professor Abdul Satter Khari and Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khari.

Q* Who wrote “The Making of Pakistan”?

Ans. K.K.Aziz.

Q* Who wrote “Now or Never”?

Ans. Chaudry Rehmat Ali.

Q* Who wrote “A Federation of Cultural Zone for India”?

Ans. Dr. Abdul Latif.

Q* Who wrote “A Path Way to Pakistan”?

Ans. Chaudry Khaliq-uz-Zaman.

Q* Who wrote “Pakistan Naguzir Tha”?

 Ans. Syed Hasan Riaz.

Q* Who was Master Tara Singh?

Ans. He was the leader of Sikhs

Q* When “Quit India Movement” was started?

Ans. 1942.

Q* Who wrote “Father and Daughter”?

Ans. Begum Shah Nawaz.

Q* When Simla Conference was held?

Ans. 25 June 1945.

Q* Who wrote “Transfer of Power in India”?

Ans. V.P.Menon.

Q* Who were Members of Cabinet Mission?

Ans. i. Straford Cripps ii. A.V.Alexander iii. Sir Pathic Lawrence.

Q* When Quaid-e-Azam called for Direct Nation Day?

Ans. 16 August 1946.

Q* Who was the last Viceroy of Britain?

Ans. Lord Mountbattan.

Q* Who were the members of Punjab Boundary Commission?

Ans. i. Justice Muhammad Munir ii. Justice Shah Din iii. Justice Tega Singh iv. Justice Mehar Chand Mahajan.

Q* Who proposed the resolution in the meeting and by whom meeting was presided over?

Ans. the meeting was presided over by Quaid-e-Azam and Maulvi Fazl-ul-Haq proposed the Resolution.

Q* Who confirmed the Resolution as a representative of Punjab?

Ans. Zafar Ali Khan.

Q* Who supported the Resolution as a representative of Sindh?

Ans. Sir Abdullah Haroon.

Q* Who confirmed the Resolution as a representative of Balochistan?

Ans. Qazi Muhammad Essa.

Q* Who supported the Resolution as a representative of NWFP?

Ans. Aurangzeb.

Q* In which election Muslim League won all the seats reserved for the Muslims?

Ans. December 1945

Q* When an interim Government was established in the Sub-Continent?

Ans. September 1946.

Q* The plan of division of sub-continent was declared on:

Ans. June 3, 1947.

All About Pakistan MCQs

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