World Geography

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World Geography MCQs

1. Which one of the following zones of the atmosphere is rich in Ozone gas ?

a. Mesosphere

b. Troposphere

c. Stratosphere

d. Ionosphere

2. The mass of water vapour per unit volume of air is known as ?

a. Relative humidity

b. Specific humidity

c. Absolute humidity

d. Variable humidity

3. Troposphere is the hottest part of the atmosphere because ?

a. It is closest to the sun

b. Heat is generated in it

c. It is heated by the Earth's surface

d. There are charged particles in it

4. Which one of the four regions above Earth has smallest height (Km) ?

a. Stratosphere

b. Mesosphere

c. Thermosphere

d. Troposphere

5. Which one of the following features is not a product of volcanism ?

a. An Erratic

b. A Dyke

c. A Crater

d. A Geyser

6. Continents have drifted apart because of ?

a. Volcanic eruption

b. Tectonic activities

c. Folding and Faulting of rocks

d. All of the above

7. Which one is the largest among the following deserts ?

a. Australian

b. Gobi

c. Kalahari

d. Atacama

8. 'Mons Scale' is used to indicate the ?

a. Degree of viscosity of a liquid

b. Degree of brittleness of a substance

c. Degree of hardness of minerals

d. Degree of electricity of a material

9. The world's most attractive volcano ?

a. Cotopaxi

b. Fujiyama

c. Kilauea

d. Vesuvius

10. A sand deposit extending into the mouth of a bay is a ?

a. Headland

b. Sea Stack

c. Split

d. Berm

11. Earthquake is caused by ?

a. disturbance of Earth's surface

b. adjustment of layers of Earth crust

c. breakage of rock system

d. upliftment of rocks

12. In the structure of planet Earth, below the Mantle, the core is mainly made up of which one of the following ?

a. Aluminum

b. Chromium

c. Iron

d. Silicon

13. Which of the following do not belong to solar system ?

a. Asteroids

b. Comets

c. Planets

d. Nebulae

14. Ozone holes are more pronounced at the ?

a. Equator

b. Tropic of Cancer

c. Tropic of Capricorn

d. Poles

15. Variations in the length of day time and night time from season to season are due to ?

a. the earth's rotation on its surface

b. the earth's revolution round the sun in an elliptical manner

c. latitudinal position of the place

d. revolution of the earth on a titled axis

16. The inexhaustible source of energy of the stars is due to ?

a. Conversion of hydrogen to helium

b. Conversion of helium to hydrogen

c. decay of radioactive elements

d. excess of oxygen that helps burning and release of energy

17. We always see the same face of the Moon, because ?

a. It is smaller than earth

b. It revolves on its axis in the direction opposite to that of the earth

c. It takes equal time for revolution around the earth and rotation on its own axis

d. It rotates at the same speed as the earth around the sun

18. Which among the following areas is conductive for well irrigation?

a. Rocky and uneven surface of Peninsular India

b. Dry Tracks of Rajasthan and Gujarat

c. Brackish groundwater region of Uttar Pradesh

d. Deltaic regions of Mahanadi, Godavari and Krishna

19. The term 'demographic gap' signifies the difference in?

a. Sex Ratio

b. Age

c. Child/Woman Ratio

d. Between the birth and the death rate

20. The first census was conducted in India in ?

a. 1872

b. 1881

c. 1891

d. 1901

21. The light of distant stars is affected by

a. the earth's atmosphere

b. Interstellar dust

c. both (a) and (b)

d. None of the above

22. The intersecting lines drawn on maps and globes are

a. latitudes

b. Longitudes

c. Geographic grids

d. None of the above

23. The great Victoria Desert is located in

a. Canada

b. West Africa

c. Australia

d. North America

24. The higher the wind speed and the longer the fetch or distance of open water across which the wind blows and waves travel, the ____ waves and the ____ enerty they prosses.

a. larger, more

b. larger, less

c. smaller, more

d. smaller, less

25. The latitudinal differences in pressure delineate a number of major pressure zones, which correspond with

a. zones of climate

b. zones of oceans

c. zones of land

d. zones of cyclonic depressions

26. The Homolographic projection has the correct representation of

a. shape

b. area

c. baring

d. distance

27. The pass located at the southern end of the Nilgiri Hills in south India is called

a. the Palghat gap

b. the Bhorghat pass

c. the Thalgat pass

d. the Bolan pass

28. Mount Etna, one of the world's most active volcanoes, is located in which country?

a. Italy

b. France

c. Dubai

d. Egypt

29. Which imaginary line, located at zero degrees latitude, divides the earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres?

a. Equator

b. Horizontal

c. vertical

d. None of These

30. When a body is taken from the earth to the moon :

a. Its weight increases

b. Its weight remains unchanged

c. It becomes completely weightless

d. Its weight decreases

31. Threat of global warming' is increasing due to increasing concentration of:

a. Carbon dioxide

b. Ozone

c. Nitrous oxide

d. Sulphur dioxide

32. Which is the second largest planet in the solar system?

a. Venus

b. Jupiter

c. Mars

d. Saturn

33. Which among the following planets is smaller in size than the Earth?

a. Saturn

b. Uranus

c. Neptune

d. Venus

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