Everday Science MCQs

EveryDay Science MCQs Past Papers

Q. Which instrument is used to measure pressure?

 Answer: Manometer

Q. What does Angstrom measure?

 Answer: Speed of ships

Q. Light year is related to

 Answer: Distance

Q. Which of the following instruments is used to measure pressure of gases?

 Answer: Manometer

Q. Joule is the unit of

 Answer: Energy

Q. How many Dynes are there in one gram weight?

 Answer: 981

Q. How many Ergs are these in 1 Joule?

 Answer: 107

Q. The unit of current is

 Answer: Ampere

Q. The unit of energy in MKS system is

 Answer: Joule

Q. The intensity of an earthquake is measured with a

 Answer: Seismograph

Q. Centigrade & Fahrenheit scales give same reading at

 Answer: – 400o

Q. Who among the following described protoplasm as the physical basis of life?

 Answer: T. H. Huxley

Q. The scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun was

 Answer: Copernicus

Q. Alexander Fleming discovered

 Answer: Penicillin

Q. Who among following invented the steam engine?

 Answer: James Watt

Q. Who invented typewriter?

 Answer: Sholes

Q. Who discovered circulation of blood in human body?

 Answer: William Harvey

Q. The first attempt in printing was made in England by

 Answer: William Caxton

Q. Who was the surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery in 1865?

Answer: Joseph Lister

Q. The credit of inventing the television goes to

Answer: Baird

Q. The credit of developing the polio vaccine goes to

Answer: Jonas Salk

Q. Mark the wrong combination

Answer: J. Perkins: Penicillin

Q. Choose the correct combination

Answer: Evolution: Darwin

Q. Who invented the ball point pen?

Answer: Lazlo Biro

Q. Blaze Pascal is associated with

Answer: Calculating machine

Q. Wright Brothers are regarded inventors of the

Answer: Aeroplane

Q. Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

Answer: Faraday: Diffusion of gases

Q. Philology is the

Answer: Study of languages

Q. Anatomy is the branch of science which deals with

Answer: Structure of animals and plants

Q. Study of earthquakes is known as

Answer: Seismology

Q. Ecology deals with

Answer: Relation between Organisms and their environment

Q. Meteorology is the science of

Answer: Weather

Q. Oncology is the study of

Answer: Cancer

Q. Study of life in outer space is known as

Answer: Exobiology

Q. Numismatics is the study of

Answer: Coins

Q. Eugenics is the study of

Answer: Altering humans beings by changing their genetic components

Q. Ornithology is the

Answer: Study of birds

Q. Who invented the Doctor?s thermometer?

Answer: Fahrenheit

Q. The velocity of light was first measured by

Answer: Romer

Q. Who proposed the chemical evolution of life?

 Answer: Haechel .

Q. The telephone was invented by

 Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

Q. Who among the following evolved the concept of relationship between mass and energy?

 Answer: Einstein

Q. Robert Koch worked on

 Answer: Tuberculosis

Q. Who discovered Uranus?

 Answer: Herschel

Q. Who among the following is associated with the invention of computers?

 Answer: Babbage


• Milk contains 80% water
• Milk is a complete food.
• Cheese contains vitamin D.
• Vitamin E is for reproduction.
• Deficiency of Thiamine causes Beri Beri.
• Glucose is the source of energy for human brain.
• Major component of honey is Glucose
• Three main food nutrients are carbohydrates, protein and fats. Other are vitamins and minerals

• Sodium is necessary of nervous system.
• Ground nut has maximum protein
• Digestion of fat in intestine is aided by Emulsification
• Hair, finger nails, hoofs, etc are all make of protein
• Deficiency of sodium and potassium causes muscular cramps, headache and diahrae

• Meat is rich in iron we need to make blood cells
• Eating of coconut increases man’s mental faculties
• Food poisoning can result from the eating of too much toadstools.
• Vitamin c is also known as Ascorbic Acid.
• Celluloses are carbohydrates.
• Milk contains lactose
• Ascorbic acid is essential for the formation of bones and teeth.
• Citric acid is a good substitution for ascorbic acid in our nutrition.
• A guava contains more vitamin C than an orange
• Vitamin not stored in human body…..C

• Vitamin C is a preventor of infectious disease
• Vitamin C is also called Skin food
• Vitamin C can easily be lost in cooking and food storage
• Vitamin D is essential for calcium metabolism.
• Vitamin C hastens healing of wounds
• Vitamin capable of formation of blood is B12
• Riches source of Vitamin D is code liver oil
• Riches source of Vitamin A is eggs
• Deficiency of Calcium leads to rickets
• Vitamin B1 is available is yeast.
• Scury, arising due to deficiency of vitamin C, it is related to Gastro-intestinal disorder.
• Sodium is necessary of nervous system.
• Vitamin D is essential for calcium metabolism.
• Cheese contains vitamin D.
• Vitamin C can not be stored in human body.
• Scurvy, arising due to deficiency of vitamin C, it is related to Gastro-intestinal disorder.

• Water soluble vitamin are B and C and all other are fat soluble
• Vitamin A is stored as Ester in liver
• Vitamin A is found in carotene bearing plants
• Vitamin K helps to form prothrobin (fibro gin) one of the enzymes helpful in blood clotting
• Vitamin E is necessary for iron utilization; normal reproductive function. Vitamin E is for reproduction.
• Vitamin A is found in Dairy products
• Deficiency of Vitamin A causes Night blindness.
• Too much presence of the Potassium salt in human blood increase the risk of heart attack.
• The lack of calcium in the diet causes what condition-Rickets
• Celluloses are carbohydrates.
• Milk contains lactose.

• Skin food is Vitamin C
• Vitamin C is also called Ascorbic Acid it prevents scurvy
• Vitamin C is also necessary for utilization of iron
• The food which contains largest amount of Vitamin C is tomato
• Cod liver oil contains Vitamin D
• Collagen is the substance that gives elasticity to skin
• Vitamin E promotes oxygenation and acts as anti aging
• Carbon dioxide we release comes from food we eat
• Vitamin B2 has what other name Riboflavin
• Fats are made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
• Vitamin E is called anti-aging agent
• Vitamin E helps in fertility process
• Vitamin B helps maintain normal appetite and good digestion
• Protein found in milk is Casein, in beans is Legumes, in meat is myosin and in eggs is albumin

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